Prudence's Trotting Toad Gazette

Thoughts and recollections of Prudence's about various and sundry topics. email


I'm newly retired and not yet tired. Hopefully I will be able to add something to the lives of others for a few more years. My life has been full and fun. What more can you ask for?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Rules we play by at Prudence's Tea Room

Remember, the number of reservations made must be paid. Only full cancellations (all in party) 2 weeks prior are allowed. (So I have time to re-fill seats) No children under 5 yrs. old. No babies in carriers or cell phones. PLEASE CONFIRM BY EMAIL OR PHONE 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO RESERVATION. Thank you for understanding the trials and tribulations of a very small business woman! Well, not that small,(the business is small though)

The cost of tea is $14.10 + .90 TAX = $15.00
That does NOT include gratuity.

Tuesday August 30 is still available. Make your reservations now. It's just around the corner!

I'm only open Tuesdays and Fridays in September. This change makes it possible for some of you who couldn't come the other days I was open to attend a tea. Hope this works out for you and we get to see some folks who weren't here for a while.

This October we will be celebrating 'The dance of the Gypsies Tea' on Friday October 14. I have gone over the edge this time. Besides the excitement of seeing all of you dressed in full Gypsy attire, we will have an incredible meal served to the sounds of the Roma music tinkling in the background. I will be serving a Gypsy tea, and each of you will receive a colorful tin to take home. Valentino, the Gypsy Vanner Horse from Great Britain will make his debut appearance. These are the horses beloved and raised by real Gypsies to pull their colorful caravans. Genevieve, The Jingle Gypsy will be here to dance and tell stories and possible do tattoos on those who are daring enough to let her. The cost of this extraordinary Tea is just $30.00. Gypsy attire is required. Best fun you will have all year!

December is coming fast! Book now for Christmas as with my limited days open it will fill up quickly. I haven't planned any special teas yet for December, but watch future newsletters for dates of 'Lady in Red Tea', Belsnickle Tea and possibly others.

Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love. Psalm 31:16


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