Prudence's Trotting Toad Gazette

Thoughts and recollections of Prudence's about various and sundry topics. email


I'm newly retired and not yet tired. Hopefully I will be able to add something to the lives of others for a few more years. My life has been full and fun. What more can you ask for?

Monday, August 22, 2005

The new boy in town

Well, the new Corgi puppy is home and our lives will never be the same! He is zooming around and brightening every corner of the place. I don't know if you are familiar with Pembroke Welsh Corgis, but some are worry Corgis, and some are smiley Corgis. Goodwyn (Goodie for short) is a smiley. He is happy and bright all the time. His Aunt Phoebe, Queen of the Corgwyn, is a worrier. Not that she doesn't smile a lot, but she tends to fret about things in general. When will we be feeding her, who is going down the road making all that noise, what will happen to me if the sweeper gets away from me? These are all things a worry Corgi must concern themselves with.

Goodie has opinions. If you ask him a question, he will look at you and tilt his dear little head and tell you what he thinks. Lately I haven't been caring as much about what he thinks. He just has too many opinions if you ask me. His breeder wisely said that we shouldn't allow any behavior now that we wouldn't like when he is older. Like smart mouthed toddlers turning into monsters by kindergarten, puppies can become nasty, poorly mannered adult dogs. Last night when all was quiet and the activities of the day were over, he snuggled up against Aunt Phoebe and slept til bedtime. It was the first he did that and of course we had to take pictures. I'll include one when we get them developed.

We keep him and his Aunt Phoebe crated when I serve tea, so unfortunately you won't get to see much of him. My husband takes them out as soon as most of the people are gone so if you are still here sometime you may get to meet them. I do need to socialize him so hang around and you will see the most adorable, tri-colored Pembroke Welsh Corgi in all of Fairy land. By the way, he has a fairy kiss behind his head. A small patch of white where a Fairy leaned up and kissed him when she was riding him one time. You know they are the trusted steads of Fairies everywhere. This is the fifth Corgi we have had and they just keep getting better. Maybe is't my age though. I have more time to just enjoy them and their silly antics. I want to take him to the Bretheren Home to meet the old folks there. They will love him.


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