Prudence's Trotting Toad Gazette

Thoughts and recollections of Prudence's about various and sundry topics. email


I'm newly retired and not yet tired. Hopefully I will be able to add something to the lives of others for a few more years. My life has been full and fun. What more can you ask for?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The beginning of September Gazette

Before I begin, let me remind you again that I lost all my email addresses for the Tea Room a few weeks ago due to my computer dying. I got a new computer, but haven't been able to recover my addresses yet. If you have written me in that time I was able to get your email address from your letter (about 40 now). PLEASE spread the word to anyone you know who was on my list to write me so I can recover as many addresses as I can. I am just sick about this as it's the only way I can tell you what special teas I am having or what changes I am making that could affect your visit. I appreciate your help in this and your business.

I'm open on Tuesdays and Fridays in September AND October.
I hope this helps you plan your visits a little more easily. I know it's hard when I am changing days on you like I did this year. It worked out much better for me though. Partial retirement agrees with me.

Well folks, I am thinking Fall has begun. I dug out my hunter green velour jumper that I swore I'd never wear. It's sort of shiny. I don't do shiny clothes and was appalled when I got the darn thing last year. I ordered it online as I'm not a mall person. This morning it felt pretty chilly and as I was peering blindly into my closet the jumper caught my eye, sparkling in the there. Dark and glittering. it shimmered in the depths of that closet, beckoning to me. "I'm warm and snuggly "it said. "I won't bind on you or let you catch a chill". "You won't look bad, honest!" Funny thing about clothes you don't like. If you keep them long enough you eventually think they aren't that bad after all. I guess desperation enters into it, but as I stand back and look at myself I am thinking it doesn't look too bad with 2 tri colored Corgwyn standing beside it. You know, the black, tan and white of the dogs against the hunter green of the dress. Now to keep them at my side wherever I go! Like that will be hard. The hard part is getting away from them. In any case, I am comfortable and colorful in my Autumn outfit, even if it is a week ahead of time by my schedule.
I always change the curtains and my antique china the first week of September, so officially this is the start of my Fall season this week. I may even get rebellious and change them before my Tuesday Tea. Only if I have the energy to do all that cleaning. I love putting my Fall dishes out each year. The Furniucals Quail pattern of Spode China is my favorite. I buy a piece here and there whenever I see it. I have other patterns of brown transfer ware which I've had for over 35 years. I've been a long time collecting china and other pieces I use in the Tea Room. I never knew there was a purpose for it. I just thought it was an obsession. I have used almost all of my treasures in one way or another over the 14 years I have been doing the Tea Room. I have Spring, Summer and Autumn antique china. That is part of the reason I enjoy doing this so much. I get to use the things I love while I serve you and share my lovely things with you. I hope you will tell your friends about Prudence's 'magnificent obsession. Now that school has begun and vacations are over I hope to see a lot more of you. I know the price of gas will slow some of you down, but if you carpool or share the cost of gas among you, it is still something I hope you can do.

When I ordered Tea a few weeks ago I got some of the delicious Fruity Russian Caravan tea which I always think of in the Fall. It has a full, malty flavor with just a hint of sweetness. Sort of like Earl Grey on steriods. I used to order all kinds of teas to serve, but found that most of the time what were my favorites turned out to be yours. Now, I order what I like and trust that you like it to. Most tea rooms pride themselves on serving a hundred or so kinds of tea. I don't have that big of a clientele that warrants keeping all that tea in stock. I would rather serve a smaller variety of tea that is absolutely fresh and delicious, than a huge number of teas that have been sitting around all year. If I had a tea room in a town where there was more traffic I could do that. I hope you like what I serve. By the requests for refills I would guess you do.
I told you last time I wasn't doing my newsletter like this anymore. Well, seems like a good number of you couldn't get onto my blog spot from the link I gave you. When you click on the blue address it should take you directly to it. It works for me and about half of you also, but if you can't get to it it isn't doing me any good. I thought I would do the whole newsletter like this again, add my blog spot addresses again and have the newsletter there also. Understand what I'm saying? You can just read this, or you can go to my blog at and see it complete with pictures and read the things I have added over the last few weeks. My other blog is at I add things to that blog also. That one is mostly my stories and things relating to the garden . It's sort of like having an online magazine that is updated sometimes daily. You can bookmark both blogs and then whenever you are fooling around the computer you can check in to see what is happening here. It takes no room up on your computer and if you want to forward it to friends all you do is highlight the address and copy and paste into your letter. It couldn't be easier to share Prudence's Tea Room Gazette with all your friends now. I love using my digital camera to add current photos to both sites and show you what is going on here.

The Puppy Report
You knew it was coming. I can't stop talking about our new Corgi boy. What a totally delightful little guy he is! Now I know we are partial, but when the tea room Garden Club met him they ALL agreed he is absolutely adorable. I'm so pleased with how friendly and outgoing he is. Everyone is his friend. He isn't obnoxious, he greets each person cordially and moves on to the next, spreading himself around like butter on bread. He's smooth he is. He knows how to schmooze. When there is work to be done he isn't shy. If Aunt Phoebe says someone is at the door, he is right there with his shrill little bark alerting the world to the intruders outside. I have to figure out a way to teach him not to copy EVERYTHING Aunt Phoebe does, but it won't be easy. He looks to her for guidance and encouragement, and she doesn't let him down. What a pair. She is so tender with him. She learned on Mr. Beasley and really missed him when he was gone. I think she is trying to be sure we don't lose this little bit of magic. He has an adorable little face. His ears are standing up, he is so bright and there is no doubt he is a Corgi. Okay, I'll stop. One more thing. He loves his cottage cheese on his noon meal. I mix it all through and he cleans out his bowl and looks at me like he wants a refill. It's the only meal of the day he cleans out his bowl. He goes for his checkup this week at Dr. Dodson's. Can't wait to see what he says about him. He loved Beasley, and of course the magnificent Miss Phoebe always gets a lot of attention when she goes for her visit. One thing we had to do was get rid of our Marans roosters. Three of those loud mouths at 6:00 am every morning waking Goodie up was more than I could stand. Like clockwork, they started crowing and he started barking to go outside. They are going to the great roasting pan in the sky tomorrow. The Mennonite family back our road is taking them and putting them to good use. We still have plenty of Cochin Bantam roosters, but they aren't nearly as loud as the Marans.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Tea for three Posted by Picasa

The new boy in town

Well, the new Corgi puppy is home and our lives will never be the same! He is zooming around and brightening every corner of the place. I don't know if you are familiar with Pembroke Welsh Corgis, but some are worry Corgis, and some are smiley Corgis. Goodwyn (Goodie for short) is a smiley. He is happy and bright all the time. His Aunt Phoebe, Queen of the Corgwyn, is a worrier. Not that she doesn't smile a lot, but she tends to fret about things in general. When will we be feeding her, who is going down the road making all that noise, what will happen to me if the sweeper gets away from me? These are all things a worry Corgi must concern themselves with.

Goodie has opinions. If you ask him a question, he will look at you and tilt his dear little head and tell you what he thinks. Lately I haven't been caring as much about what he thinks. He just has too many opinions if you ask me. His breeder wisely said that we shouldn't allow any behavior now that we wouldn't like when he is older. Like smart mouthed toddlers turning into monsters by kindergarten, puppies can become nasty, poorly mannered adult dogs. Last night when all was quiet and the activities of the day were over, he snuggled up against Aunt Phoebe and slept til bedtime. It was the first he did that and of course we had to take pictures. I'll include one when we get them developed.

We keep him and his Aunt Phoebe crated when I serve tea, so unfortunately you won't get to see much of him. My husband takes them out as soon as most of the people are gone so if you are still here sometime you may get to meet them. I do need to socialize him so hang around and you will see the most adorable, tri-colored Pembroke Welsh Corgi in all of Fairy land. By the way, he has a fairy kiss behind his head. A small patch of white where a Fairy leaned up and kissed him when she was riding him one time. You know they are the trusted steads of Fairies everywhere. This is the fifth Corgi we have had and they just keep getting better. Maybe is't my age though. I have more time to just enjoy them and their silly antics. I want to take him to the Bretheren Home to meet the old folks there. They will love him.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Table overlooking the pond Posted by Picasa

Prudence's Tea Room Gazette

Prudence's Tea Room Gazette

Friday, August 19, 2005

Rules we play by at Prudence's Tea Room

Remember, the number of reservations made must be paid. Only full cancellations (all in party) 2 weeks prior are allowed. (So I have time to re-fill seats) No children under 5 yrs. old. No babies in carriers or cell phones. PLEASE CONFIRM BY EMAIL OR PHONE 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO RESERVATION. Thank you for understanding the trials and tribulations of a very small business woman! Well, not that small,(the business is small though)

The cost of tea is $14.10 + .90 TAX = $15.00
That does NOT include gratuity.

Tuesday August 30 is still available. Make your reservations now. It's just around the corner!

I'm only open Tuesdays and Fridays in September. This change makes it possible for some of you who couldn't come the other days I was open to attend a tea. Hope this works out for you and we get to see some folks who weren't here for a while.

This October we will be celebrating 'The dance of the Gypsies Tea' on Friday October 14. I have gone over the edge this time. Besides the excitement of seeing all of you dressed in full Gypsy attire, we will have an incredible meal served to the sounds of the Roma music tinkling in the background. I will be serving a Gypsy tea, and each of you will receive a colorful tin to take home. Valentino, the Gypsy Vanner Horse from Great Britain will make his debut appearance. These are the horses beloved and raised by real Gypsies to pull their colorful caravans. Genevieve, The Jingle Gypsy will be here to dance and tell stories and possible do tattoos on those who are daring enough to let her. The cost of this extraordinary Tea is just $30.00. Gypsy attire is required. Best fun you will have all year!

December is coming fast! Book now for Christmas as with my limited days open it will fill up quickly. I haven't planned any special teas yet for December, but watch future newsletters for dates of 'Lady in Red Tea', Belsnickle Tea and possibly others.

Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love. Psalm 31:16

When bad things happen, good things follow

When my computer crashed two weeks ago I thought it was a real crisis. All my email addresses for my business were lost. My years of poetry I had saved and stories I had written were gone. Photos, recipes and letters from my customers vanished. It was like my house had burned down and all my family heirlooms were lost.

I had been planning on getting a new computer this Fall, but now was forced to get one. Not necessarily a bad thing. My other one was ancient. I now have a wonderful hot rod computer which I will probably have til I go to the home ;-D I thought this will be a good time to try out something new with my newsletter also. Instead of my usual big long newsletter, I will be using this blog to keep you informed. I can't contact my whole list until (and if) I can recover the information from my hard drive. My nieces husband is trying to do that now. Each time I update the blog I will let you know and you can just come to this website and read your newsletter. All of these will be archived by date so all you need to do is check in the various dates and you can see back issues. Sounds like a perfect plan. Let me know your thoughts by adding them where it says to under each article. As I learn better ways to use this technology I will keep upgrading and hopefully end up with a much better way of communicating with you. It won't clog up your mail box as much and just takes a second to click on the link. Hope you like this improvement. Prudence

P.S. Please email me to add your email address back into my address book. I'm hoping you will miss hearing from me and will write to see where I am.